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What are 5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips that Every Homeowner Should Know

5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

As a homeowner, it’s natural to come across problems with your HVAC system from time to time. Lucky for you, we’re here to guide you on some of the problems HVAC owners go through.

How does HVAC benefit you as a homeowner?

HVAC, defined as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, employs different systems to move air between indoor and outdoor areas. It helps you stay warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months.

  • HVAC system helps filter indoor air, keeping the air clean and humidity levels at optimal levels.
  • Having clean indoor air benefits your overall health and wellbeing and having an HVAC helps you achieve just that.
  • Provides your home with adequate ventilation and thermal comfort.
  • HVAC system offers incredible efficiency and has smart controls.
  • HVAC systems also offer energy efficiency, which helps you save high energy costs.


Why Maintaining your HVAC is Essential

An HVAC system requires a lot of maintenance, and as a homeowner, it is your responsibility to make sure the system is operating smoothly and efficiently. Not having a properly maintained HVAC system before the warmer months arrive will put you in a tight spot.


The 5 Troubleshooting tips Homeowners should know

All HVAC systems go through a couple of issues during their lifetime. As a homeowner, you can practice a few troubleshooting tips to keep your HVAC system in good shape instead of having to call in a technician and replace parts every so often.

1. Checking the Air Filters to determine if they need replacement

It is important to check the air filters of your HVAC system every three or four months to ensure that the filtered air is clean and free of household allergens like pollens, debris, and pet hair. Additionally, allergens like debris frequently clog air filters, which inevitably require the system to work harder and use up significantly more energy to achieve the desired results.

As soon as you change the air filters of your system, you’ll feel a significant difference in the air quality as well as the flow of the air.

2. Monitoring and Checking the thermostat

It is important to monitor and check if the thermostat is operating properly because, in most cases, HVAC system inefficiencies occur as a result of a faulty thermostat. If your HVAC system fails to turn on or is taking longer than usual to turn on, start by checking to see if the thermostat is working properly. To check the thermostat, set it at the desired temperature and see if there’s a change in the room’s temperature. If it fails to adjust the temperature accordingly, there may be a problem with the functionality of your unit.

3. Checking and clearing debris from the outside unit

When checking the functionality of an HVAC system, you probably overlook problems that may occur from the outside unit. Since the outside unit is located outdoors, the debris from its surroundings like tree leaves, branches, or any solid items gets stuck in the unit, causing disruption in the flow of air. This may result in ineffective cooling and affect the air quality of your home.

4. Checking the power supply and circuit breaker

In some cases, the HVAC system may face power failure, preventing it from turning on. In this case, you need to check the electrical cords to see if they’re installed in the right place (don’t forget to use gloves and be extra careful when inspecting any electrical cords). Sometimes, when the system is not turning on, it could be a result of power overload, causing the breakers to cut the supply of power.

5. Increasing High utility bills

While HVAC systems usually employ energy-saving systems, some HVAC homeowners have reported unanticipated increases in their utility bills. Under usual circumstances, heavy utility bills are an indication that you’re probably using the system a lot, such as during the summer months. However, unexpected increases in utility bills can also indicate that you’re facing a problem with your HVAC system.

Bottom Line

If you own an HVAC system, it is your responsibility to maintain it regularly to ensure its running at optimal efficiency. If you’re unable to fix any problems that you’re facing or you’re having trouble analyzing what is wrong with your HVAC system, you may require the help of a professional. In that case, you can hire the services of Socal Airflow Pros. We can help you maintain your HVAC systems and address any problems you’re facing.

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