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What Is the Ideal Temperature for Home AC in the Summer

Ideal Temperature For Your Home AC in the Summer

You’re probably wondering how to keep yourself cool during the summers without having to worry about the expensive air conditioning costs. These costs inevitably skyrocket when you’re amidst the scorching months of your usual Arizona Summer.

As the days get hotter, there is no doubt that you’ll be using your air conditioning system for extended periods of time. Keeping this in mind, you need to adjust the temperature on your thermostat and consider how much of an impact it has on your unit’s functionality.

What is the best temperature for your air conditioning system? Well, it depends on what you’re trying to achieve.

You’re Looking for Comfort

If you’re seeking comfort and don’t mind high electricity bills, it is best to adjust the thermostat according to your needs. On average, the most comfortable temperature for adults ranges between 65 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, the ideal temperature differs for children and infants, so anything below 68 degrees would not be considered safe and could risk the child’s wellbeing. Simultaneously, you can’t keep the temperature too high either, as children are sensitive to heat.

You’re Looking to Save Electricity

It gets really hard for you to go about your day during the summer months without using an air conditioning system. You get sweaty, uncomfortable, and continuously feel the urge to take cold showers to refresh yourself.

Finding the appropriate balance between electricity costs and a comfortable thermostat temperature is certainly a challenge.

Using an air conditioner for long periods of time really leaves a dent in your wallet because of skyrocketing utility bills. Nevertheless, operating your thermostat at an ideal temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit helps you cut down costs.

If you’re trying to slash your utility bills from high electricity costs, you should probably keep the following factors in mind when adjusting the temperature on your thermostat.

· What’s the Outdoor Temperature?

The difference in the outdoor and indoor temperatures dictates how much energy your HVAC system may have to use to keep your indoor temperatures cool. When there’s a low difference between the two, your HVAC system works more efficiently. Additionally, if your HVAC system requires less energy, you can expect lower electricity costs.

· Temperature that ensures Humidity Control

During the summer months, you’re faced with humid weather, which can attract a lot of moisture inside your home. This could give rise to humidity-related problems like attracting mold and paint.

It not only negatively impacts your home but makes you feel sweaty and uncomfortable. To avoid this, you’ll have to set the thermostat to an appropriate level and reduce humidity.


You want to Ensure Proper Maintenance of your Air Conditioner

One thing you need to know is that there’s a direct relationship between your air conditioner’s health and the temperature of your thermostat. The temperature your thermostat is working at will dictate your air conditioner’s life span.

If you’re operating at very low temperatures for an extended period of time, there’s a chance that your evaporator coil may freeze. It is recommended that you give your air conditioner some time to rest and cool down instead of using it 24/7.

Alternatively, you shouldn’t be operating your air conditioner in cyclical variations by turning it on and off constantly because it puts stress on your HVAC system.

The ideal temperature at which you can safely operate your HVAC system is 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. If you keep the thermostat within this range, you don’t have to worry about affecting the health of your HVAC system. Of course, you’ll need to make temperature adjustments depending on the duration of the cycles.

You Have Pets at Home

If you have animals at home as well, you need to take your pets into consideration when adjusting the thermostat.

Furry animals like dogs and cats can withstand colder temperatures as well as higher temperatures compared to humans because of the extra fur keeping them warm. Therefore if you’re leaving the house, it is best if you leave the air conditioner on, especially during the summer. Otherwise, your pet may feel uncomfortable and hot.

Cats can withstand higher temperatures than dogs because they’re comparatively hot-blooded, so an ideal temperature for cats would be around 85 degrees. Dogs, on the other hand, can withstand temperatures of up to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bottom Line

To make sure your HVAC system operates at optimum efficiency while keeping your home comfortable, we at SoCal Airflow Pros can help. We maintain your HVAC systems, so you don’t have to worry about poor performance from your air conditioner.

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